U.S. Consular Processing Lawyer Based Out Of Minneapolis

Are you stuck waiting for a green card outside the U.S.? Need help getting through the consular processing of your application? - Contact Minneapolis-based consular processing lawyer Nancy Robinett.

Green Cards are, for many, the ticket to a new life of prosperity and opportunity in the United States. However, they are not easy to obtain, especially if you are applying from outside the U.S. Even if you have a legitimate petition and everything prepared and planned, you still have to get through one final hurdle: consular processing.

Every day, hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals begin the difficult and confusing process of obtaining their United States green card from abroad. If you are a newlywed, a family member of a US citizen, or an employee hired to work in the United States, you might be next. Fortunately, because you are here, you will be able to start your Consular Processing procedure on the right foot by working with a skilled immigration lawyer.

Based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, attorney Nancy Robinett has 20 years of experience working with immigration applicants from around the world, including helping folks just like you through consular processing.

What Is Consular Processing And When Is It Required?

Consular processing is the procedure for any applicant for a green card requesting it from outside the U.S., as opposed to an adjustment of status, which is the procedure used if you are already residing in the United States when you request one.

To get to the consular processing stage, you must already have a valid petition filed by someone within the United States based on eligible grounds to obtain a U.S. green card. For example, if you

  • Married a United States Citizen outside the U.S.
  • Are a parent of a citizen under 21 or child under 21 of a U.S. citizen.
  • Meet specific employment criteria, such as having exceptional skills in your field or being a physician willing to work in underserved areas (such as rural areas or certain neighborhoods of Minneapolis).

These, and many other categories, can give you the right to apply for residency and a green card, but they do not make the process automatic or speedy. And since you are doing so from outside the United States, you will still have to go through the consular processing procedures at your nearest consulate, which might differ from one country or region to the next.

As a result, it is strongly recommended that you work with an experienced immigration and consular processing attorney, such as Minneapolis’ Nancy Robinett.

Call For A Free Consultation | (612) 662-6582

How Can A Lawyer Help You Through The Consular Processing Required For A Green Card

Robinett Law PLLC | Minneapolis Consular Processing Lawyer

Given the importance of the green card and all the advantages and opportunities it presents, you do not want to take this application lightly. Working with a lawyer with consular processing experience offers a number of advantages over muddling through on your own, all of which can help ensure a more efficient and successful green card application. 

  • Gather And Review Documents Needed For Consular Processing

Consular processes around the globe all require different formalities and documents, each of which also varies with the type of application, the specific visa you are applying for and your own status (or lack thereof). Even a minor error or omission might get your application refused, thrown out, or delayed, and given the time involved, the last thing you want is to have to start over.

An experienced consular processing lawyer will help you put together your file and double-check everything before you go in for your interview. We know what the consular and immigration services are looking for and making decisions on, and we will make sure your application is optimized at every stage of the process.

  • Understanding And Anticipating Deadlines And Timelines For Consular Processing

By far one of the most frustrating aspects of the consular processing stage of your application will always be the delays. Not knowing when to expect the next step and how long any given process will take can be infuriating and destabilizing. Worse still, if you make even mild mistakes or miss deadlines, then you may face additional delays.

Working with a consular processing lawyer for your family visa or green card will ensure you do not make any such costly mistakes. And if you choose Nancy Robinett, as you can hear from any of her past clients, she will keep you appraised at every stage of the process. Better still, she works hard to make sure you understand what is happening and how long it might take between each step so that you do not feel frustrated or lost during the application.

  • Assistance Before And After Consular Processing

Consular processing is just one step along the path to a United States green card, albeit one of the most important and complicated. If you have not yet reached the consular processing phase of your green card application and are still figuring out your initial petition, that is OK; we can help with that, too.

Alternatively, if you have received your green card and are looking to get settled and employed in the United States, we can help. Especially if you are angling for naturalization or find that you need to adjust your status at some point while already within the U.S. we hope that you will come to us, whether you live in Minneapolis, Minnesota or not.

Call For A Free Consultation | (612) 662-6582

Concerned About Consular Processing? Contact Minneapolis-Based Lawyer Nancy Robinett

U.S. Consular Processing Lawyer Based Out Of Minneapolis

Robinett Law PLLC | A compassionate and meticulous consular processing lawyer based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

If you or a loved one are struggling to get your U.S. Green Card before or during consular processing from outside the country, attorney Nancy Robinett can help. After 20 years of working on every type of immigration application and claim, immigration lawyer Nancy Robinett has deep compassion for everyone going through consular procedures and knows exactly what to do to help you through yours.

Call our office as soon as possible at (612) 662-6582 or book an appointment online. It doesn't matter which country you are in or applying from; the sooner you speak with a qualified consular processing lawyer, the more likely you are to have a smooth and successful Green Card application.

Call For A Free Consultation | (612) 662-6582
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